Live information on needs and offers, both from and to Elate Partners, are now online. Needs and offers from us are directly connected to our database and are always up to date. Needs and offers to us go directly into our database for prompt processing. Make sure to come back to the following location for any update.
Up-to-date list of products we’re actively buying, along with relavent information, can be found here:
Suppliers of products in the above list can fill out the form here:;
Suppliers of products not listed can also fill out the form. Our marketing team can help you sell your products to our fully-vetted buyer base;
Information submitted goes into our database real-time for prompt processing. This is the quickest way to catch our attention.
Up-to-date list of products we’re actively marketing, along with relavent information, can be found here:
Buyers of products in the above list can fill out the form here:;
Buyers of products not listed can also fill out the form. Our sourcing team can help you find your products from our fully-vetted supplier base;
Information submitted goes into our database real-time for prompt processing. This is the quickest way to catch our attention.